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Friday 30 September 2011

Why are websites so confusing ?

Why are websites so confusing ?
Do you sometimes get the feeling that Internet portals, search pages, social networks, e-commerce, and other Web sites are not necessarily designed in order to maximize user convenience and benefits? We do, too.

Some websites ,they are just for hitting the links,page navigation to different pages.
For fundamental reasons,or marketing reason or money making reasons some of the websites are filled with advertisements and links ..while user will to be able to see what he was searching he will land in buying what doesn't want to and that’s the strategy.While we don’t get the perfect information in the website at times it is not so user friendly,why so many helps or hover or tool tips filled rather made it easy and simple for the lay man user.
In the same way Google faces issue in designing the search results page .user at times is not able to search what is actually searched upon? For any given search, the 11th objective search result might be more relevant than any of the sponsored search results displayed on the right; yet it will be displayed on the second search page only—well beyond the reach of most users.
Nowadays,the websites are filled with forms with check boxes for daily alerts too,some of the sites made it required field .
As a layman user when I search for the particular website the first thing on my mind will be I get correct information for what I search

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